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Laws and Regulations Database of the Central Bank of the Republic of China-Law Basis

〈Issuance of National Currency〉
Article 13
[Authorized Regulations] [Authorized Circulars]
 The currency of the Republic of China (Taiwan) shall be issued by the Bank.
 The currency issued by the Bank shall be the national currency, and shall be
legal tender for all payments within the territory of the Republic of China
 The Bank shall establish plants under its management to carry out the
printing and minting of the currency.
[Authorized Regulations]
(Maximum Amount of National Currency Carried into or out of the Territory 
of the ROC)
Article 18-1
[Authorized Regulations] [Authorized Circulars]
 The maximum amount of national currency that may be carried or mailed
into or out of the territory of the Republic of China (Taiwan) shall be 
prescribed by the Bank.
[Authorized Regulations] [Authorized Circulars]
 Currency in excess of the aforesaid maximum cannot be transported 
into or out of the territory.