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Laws and Regulations Database of the Central Bank of the Republic of China-Law Basis
〈Foreign Exchange Business〉
Article 35
[Authorized Regulations] [Authorized Circulars]
 The Bank shall undertake the following foreign exchange business:
 1. To draw up plans for foreign exchange management and on
   anticipated receipts and payments;
 2. To authorize and supervise banking and other enterprises engaged in
   foreign exchange business;
[Related Regulations] [Authorized Regulations] [Authorized Circulars]
 3. To settle the purchase and sale of foreign exchange;
 4. To examine and approve private outward and inward remittances;
 5. To supervise private enterprises' foreign borrowings guaranteed by
   authorized banks, with reference to their management and their
   repayment schedule;
 6. To purchase and sell foreign currencies, bills of exchange and
 7. To calculate, compile, analyse and report the receipts and payments
   of foreign exchange;
 8. Other operations relating to foreign exchange.
 Article 35 Paragraph 2
 Regulations governing requirements of application, the examination 
procedure, approval of authorization, the scope of operations, withdrawal 
of authorization, and other matters which banking and other enterprises 
applying to engage in foreign exchange business must comply with, 
shall be prescribed by the Bank.
[Related Regulations] [Authorized Regulations] [Authorized Circulars]