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Summary: Please adjust and report the special reserve requirement in accordance with Open new window for Chinese

Ref. No:99.12.30Tai-Yang-Ye-Tze No. 0990062027 circular


Please adjust and report the special reserve requirement in accordance with the "Special Reserve Requirement for New Taiwan Dollar Demand Deposits" announced by the Bank, effective from January 1, 2011.


1. Please see the Announcement of the Bank Tai-Yang-Ye-Tze No. 0990062020 dated December 30, 2010.

2. The term "overseas Chinese, foreign nationals and Mainland China investors" as used in the aforementioned announcement refer to overseas Chinese and foreign nationals, foreign institutional and Mainland China investors that invest in securities in Taiwan in accordance with the "Regulations GoverningInvestment in Securities by Overseas Chinese" and the "Operation Directionsfor Applications by Overseas Chinese, Foreign Nationals, and Mainland ChinaInvestors for Registration to Invest in Domestic Securities or Trade DomesticFutures".

3. The original Reserve Adjustment Form submitted according to the regular reserveratios will remain unchanged. But for reporting the additional reserve requirementfor the aforementioned demand deposits in compliance with the aforementioned announcement, please submit in addition the following forms starting February 2011(for the data of calculation and maintenance period in January 2011):

(1) Reserve Adjustment Form for NTD Demand Deposits of "Overseas Chinese, ForeignNationals, Foreign Institutional and Mainland China Investors" (Attachment 1);and

(2) Calculation Sheet of Reserve Requirement and Reserves Accounts B (Attachment 2).

4. Starting from the date financial institutions report on reserves for January 2011(within six business days after the end of the maintenance period), a zero remuneration rate will be applied to those funds originating from the aforementioned demand deposits in reserves accounts B held with the Bank.
