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Laws and Regulations Database of the Central Bank of the Republic of China-Article Content

Title:Directions for Electronic Bidding for Central Government Bonds and Treasury Bills Open new window for Chinese

Announced Date:February 23, 2001

Date:Amended on January 17, 2014 (effective from January 22,2014)

[Law Basis] [Print]

Chapter 5:  Inquiries and Submission of Statements Through Electronic Media
16.When a central government bond dealer submitts the statements required under
  regulations, the information shall be encoded with a digital signature by the
  dealer's operations manager and sent in a digital envelope produced through
  automatic encryption by the EBS using the Central Bank's public key.
17.A System Participant may use the EBS for inquiries or printing out information 
  on wining and losing bids for government bonds and treasury bills, as well as 
  the following information:
 (1)Ministry of Finance announcements pertaining to the issuance or buyback of 
    government bonds or treasury bills.
 (2)Information on current auction results of government bonds or treasury bills.
 (3)Historical information on auctions or buybacks of government bonds and 
    treasury bills.