Title: Directions for the Sale and Buyback of Treasury Bills
Announced Date:August 01, 2001
Date:April 20, 2011
Chapter Ⅱ Sale of Treasury Bills
(1)Competitive bids: Bid rates shall be expressed as discount rates. Bids with rates lower than the minimum acceptable rate shall be accepted successively in ascending order; Where interest rates of successful bids are equal and the remaining amount of the issue is insufficient for full allocation, a pro-rata allocation will be made based on the bid amounts. Amounts payable by successful bidders shall be calculated at an issue price resulting from conversion at the highest rate of all the successful bids.
(2)Non-competitive bids: Amounts payable will be calculated at the issue price set forth in the preceding paragraph. Where the total subscription amount of non-competitive bids exceeds the non-competitive public offering amount, a pro-rata allocation will be made based on subscription amounts.
6. Tenders shall be filled out in accordance with the following provisions:
(1)The government uniform invoice number of a profit-seeking enterprise shall be listed correctly.
(2)The minimum bid amount for each bid shall be NT$5 million; amounts in excess of that figure shall be in increments of NT$1 million. The maximum amount of a bid shall not exceed the amount publicly announced by the Ministry of Finance.
(1)Not using the tender prescribed by the Department of the Treasury.
(2)Not submitted in a sealed envelope.
(3)No official stamp affixed.
(4)Submitting more than one tender.
(5)Other violations of bidding regulations.
(1)A bid rate not written in Arabic numerals, altered, or illegible.
(2)A bid amount not written in Arabic numerals, altered, or illegible
(3)The minimum bid amount lower than the prescribed amount.
(4)Any other entries on the tender not conformed to bidding regulations.
11. Where a successful bidder fails to fully settle or only partially settles the treasury bills awarded by the prescribed date, the bidder shall pay a penalty that amounts to ten percent (10%) of the unsettled portion and may not participate in bidding for treasury bills for a period of three years from the issue date of the underlying issue.