Laws and Regulations Database of the Central Bank of the Republic of China

Summary:Compliance with the“ Regulations Governing the Extension of Housing Loans in Specific Areas by Financial Institutions”.

Ref. No:2010.6.24 Tai-Yang-Ye-Tze No. 0990033648 Circular

The“Regulations Governing the Extension of Housing Loans in Specific Areas by 
Financial Institutions” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) have been 
promulgated by the Central Bank under Tai-Yang-Ye- Tze No. 0990033647 dated June 
24, 2010. Please fill out the form titled  “Statistics of the Housing Loans for 
Individuals” and submitted it periodically to the Bank as 

 1.Enclosed herewith are the text of the Regulations and the form titled “
  Statistics of  Housing Loans for Individuals” as prescribed under Direction 6 
  of the Regulations.
 2.Also enclosed for your reference is a set of Q & As relating to the Regulations.
 3.The bi-weekly submission of home loan data required of  domestic banks pursuant 
  to the Bank’s Circular Tai-Yang-Ye-Tze No. 0990021773 dated April 2, 2010 
  ceases to apply on June 25, 2010.