Laws and Regulations Database of the Central Bank of the Republic of China

Summary:The required accounting entries to be filled out when a bank receives time deposits from the Directorate General of Postal Remittances and Savings Bank, and the method of setting aside required reserves

Ref. No:1993.6.29 (82)Tai-Yang-Ye-Tze No. 759

To facilitate the auditing of the required reserves of banks and the compilation of 
relevant monetary statistics, your bank is hereby required to fill out items 
relating to “Re-deposits from the Directorate General of Postal Remittances and 
Savings Bank”, as detailed in Enplanation 1 below, when submitting information on 
the required reserves to the CBC.

1.When your bank receives time deposits from the Directorate General of Postal 
 Remittances and Savings Banks and the time deposits are postal savings re-
 deposits, such funds shall be reported as “Re-deposits from the Directorate 
 General of Postal Remittances and Savings Banks” and the Directorate General of 
 Postal Remittances and Savings Banks shall provide the required reserves for such 
 re-deposits.  The life insurance reserves re-deposits shall be reported as time 
 deposits in accordance with CBC Letter dated March 19, 1986 (Ref. No. (75) Tai-
 Yang-Ye-481) and the receiving bank shall set aside the required reserves.
2.The Directorate General of Postal Remittances and Savings Bank, when making 
 redeposits at your bank, shall distinguish between postal savings and life 
 insurance reserves by using different account names.