Laws and Regulations Database of the Central Bank of the Republic of China


 Article 9
9.Interbank funds account balances fall into the following two categories:
 (1) Book balance: refers to the resulting book amount after a transaction has
   been executed and completed; if the book balance is negative, it indicates
   intraday overdraft.
 (2) Available balance: refers to the total of book balance plus intraday
   overdraft granted by the Bank.
   The term "intraday overdraft" as referred to in the preceding Paragraph 
   shall mean advances that the Bank provides to interbank funds accounts of
   financial institutions during daily business hours in accordance with the  
   "Directions for the Conduct of Intraday Overdrafts of the Central Bank of
   the Republic of China (Taiwan)"; the term "intraday overdraft limit" refers
   to the intraday overdrafts credit that the Bank grants to a financial 
   institution as per application in accordance with the said Directions.